Lift a custom parcel

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline

from skewt import SkewT

# Default Parcel
print parcel
print S.get_cape(*parcel)

# Custom Parcel
parcel=(800.0, 18.0, 3, 'ml')
S.make_skewt_axes(); S.add_profile();

Lift a parcel from a set altitude

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from skewt import SkewT

df_snd = pd.read_csv('RAP_KEPH_130601_21z_F00.csv')

# Retrieve surface temperature
base_tmp = df_snd.loc[0]['TMP']
base_hgt = df_snd.loc[0]['HGT']

# Add the DALR

df_snd['DALR'] = base_tmp - ((df_snd.HGT-base_hgt)/1000)*9.8

# Virtual Temperature
df_snd['VIRTT'] = (df_snd.TMP+273.15)/(1 - 0.379*(6.11*np.power(((7.5*df_snd.DPT)/(237.7+df_snd.DPT)),10))/df_snd.level)-273.15

# Thermal Index
df_snd['TI'] = df_snd.TMP - df_snd.DALR

hght = df_snd[['HGT']].as_matrix().flatten()
pres = df_snd[['level']].as_matrix().flatten()
temp = df_snd[['TMP']].as_matrix().flatten()
dwpt = df_snd[['DPT']].as_matrix().flatten()
sknt = df_snd[['WSPD']].as_matrix().flatten()
drct = df_snd[['WDIR']].as_matrix().flatten()

mydata=dict(zip(('hght','pres','temp','dwpt','sknt', 'drct'),(hght, pres, temp, dwpt, sknt, drct)))

In [ ]:
lvls = range(700,726)
hghts = np.empty(len(lvls))
hghts[:] = np.NAN
hghts[0] = 2827.12
hghts[-1] = 3106.7
df_hght = pd.DataFrame({'level': lvls, 'HGT': hghts}).interpolate()
print df_hght
df_lookup = df_hght.loc[df_hght['level'] == 710]
print df_lookup
hgt, level = df_lookup.iloc[0][['HGT','level']]
print level, hgt

In [ ]:
import os
import sys
import gdal
import math
from gdalconst import GA_ReadOnly

def open_raster():
    This functions opens the raster file for processing
        raster = gdal.Open('SRTM/srtm_12_03.tif', GA_ReadOnly)
    except RuntimeError, exception:
        print 'Unable to open '+'srtm_12_03.tif'
        print exception
    return raster

def retrieve_band(longitude, latitude):
    This function will take in the given coordinates and return the
    elevation(band) NOTE: this only takes in Mercator value does not
    work with WGS84
    x - coordinates for the x axis or the longitude that users defined
    y - coordinates for the y axis or the latitude that user defined
    if -180.0 > longitude > 180.0 or -90 > latitude > 90:
        return NULL_VALUE
        raster = open_raster()
        transform = raster.GetGeoTransform()
        x_offset = int((longitude - transform[0]) / transform[1])
        y_offset = int((latitude - transform[3]) / transform[5])
        band = raster.GetRasterBand(1)
        data = band.ReadAsArray(x_offset, y_offset, 1, 1)
        return data[0]
print retrieve_band(-121.7968, 48.0579)

The Full Monthy

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
import gdal
import math
from gdalconst import GA_ReadOnly
from skewt import SkewT
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

thermal_file = "/home/thomasvdv/RAP/CSV/{}.csv"

def open_raster(name):
    This functions opens the raster file for processing
        raster = gdal.Open(name, GA_ReadOnly)
    except RuntimeError, exception:
        print 'Unable to open ' + name
        print exception
    return raster

def retrieve_band(lat, lon):
    This function will take in the given coordinates and return the
    elevation(band) NOTE: this only takes in Mercator value does not
    work with WGS84
    x - coordinates for the x axis or the longitude that users defined
    y - coordinates for the y axis or the latitude that user defined
    if -125.0 < lon < -115.0 and 50.0 > lat > 45.0:
        name = 'SRTM/srtm_13_03.tif'
        if -125 < lon < -120:
            name = 'SRTM/srtm_12_03.tif'
        print 'Using {} for {} {}'.format(name, lat, lon)
        raster = open_raster(name)
        transform = raster.GetGeoTransform()
        x_offset = int((lon - transform[0]) / transform[1])
        y_offset = int((lat - transform[3]) / transform[5])
        band = raster.GetRasterBand(1)
        data = band.ReadAsArray(x_offset, y_offset, 1, 1)
        return data[0][0]
        print "Thermal out of bound: {} {}".format(lat, lon)
        return -1

# Dewpoint calculation adapted from ...
def dew_point(df_snd):
    df_snd['DPT_B'] = df_snd.TMP_C.apply(lambda x: 17.368 if x > 0 else 17.966)
    df_snd['DPT_C'] = df_snd.TMP_C.apply(lambda x: 238.88 if x > 0 else 247.15)

    pa = df_snd.RH / 100. * np.exp(df_snd.DPT_B * df_snd.TMP_C / (df_snd.DPT_C + df_snd.TMP_C))
    df_snd['DEWP_C'] = df_snd.DPT_C * np.log(pa) / (df_snd.DPT_B - np.log(pa))

def calc_hgt(df_snd, p):
    upper_hgt, upper_level = df_snd.loc[df_snd['level'] <= p].iloc[0][['HGT', 'level']]
    lower_hgt, lower_level = df_snd.loc[df_snd['level'] >= p].iloc[-1][['HGT', 'level']]
    lvls = range(int(upper_level), int(lower_level) + 1)
    hghts = np.empty(len(lvls))
    hghts[:] = np.NAN
    hghts[0] = upper_hgt
    hghts[-1] = lower_hgt
    df_hght = pd.DataFrame({'level': lvls, 'HGT': hghts}).interpolate()
    hgt, level = df_hght.loc[df_hght['level'] == int(p)].iloc[0][['HGT', 'level']]
    return hgt

def get_parcel_at_hgt(terrain, df_snd):
    print 'Generating parcel at {}'.format(terrain)
    upper_hgt, upper_level, upper_tmp_c, upper_dewp_c, upper_w_dir, upper_w_spd_kts = df_snd.loc[df_snd['HGT'] >= terrain].iloc[0][
        ['HGT', 'level', 'TMP_C', 'DEWP_C','W_DIR','W_SPD_KTS']]
    df_lwr = df_snd.loc[df_snd['HGT'] <= terrain]
    if len(df_lwr.index > 0):
        lower_hgt, lower_level, lower_tmp_c, lower_dewp_c, lower_w_dir, lower_w_spd_kts = df_lwr.iloc[-1][
            ['HGT', 'level', 'TMP_C', 'DEWP_C','W_DIR','W_SPD_KTS']]
        hgts = range(int(lower_hgt), int(upper_hgt) + 1)
        interp = np.empty(len(hgts))
        interp[:] = np.NAN
        levels = list(interp)
        levels[0] = lower_level
        levels[-1] = upper_level
        temps = list(interp)
        temps[0] = lower_tmp_c
        temps[-1] = upper_tmp_c
        dewpts = list(interp)
        dewpts[0] = lower_dewp_c
        dewpts[-1] = upper_dewp_c
        wdirs = list(interp)
        wdirs[0] = lower_w_dir
        wdirs[-1] = upper_w_dir
        wkts = list(interp)
        wkts[0] = lower_w_spd_kts
        wkts[-1] = upper_w_spd_kts
        df_interp = pd.DataFrame({'HGT': hgts, 'level': levels, 'TMP_C': temps, 'DEWP_C': dewpts, 'W_DIR': wdirs, 'W_SPD_KTS': wkts}).interpolate()
        hgt, level, tmp_c, dewp_c, w_dir, w_spd_kts = df_interp.loc[df_interp['HGT'] == int(terrain)].iloc[0][
            ['HGT', 'level', 'TMP_C', 'DEWP_C','W_DIR','W_SPD_KTS']]
        return (level, tmp_c, dewp_c, 'interp', hgt, w_dir, w_spd_kts)
        return (upper_level, upper_tmp_c, upper_dewp_c, 'lowest', upper_hgt, upper_w_dir, upper_w_spd_kts)

def strip_to_terrain(df_snd, parcel):
    level = parcel[0]
    # Reduce the sounding to terrain height.
    return df_snd.loc[df_snd['level'] <= level].reset_index(drop=True)

def process_thermal_wx(thermal):

    print 'Calculating WX for {}'.format(thermal)

    lon = thermal.longitude
    lat = thermal.latitude

    terrain = retrieve_band(lat, lon)

    if terrain == -1:

    df = pd.read_csv(thermal_file.format(thermal.thermal_id))

    if len(df.index) < 185:

    df['paramId'] = pd.to_numeric(df.paramId, errors='coerce')
    df['value'] = pd.to_numeric(df.value, errors='coerce')
    df['level'] = pd.to_numeric(df.level, errors='coerce')

    # Geopotential Height
    df_hgt = df.loc[df['paramId'] == 156][0:37]
    df_hgt = df_hgt.rename(columns={'value': 'HGT'}).drop('paramId', 1)

    # Temperature
    df_tmp = df.loc[df['paramId'] == 130][0:37]
    df_tmp = df_tmp.rename(columns={'value': 'TMP_K'}).drop('paramId', 1)

    # Relative Humidity
    df_rh = df.loc[df['paramId'] == 157][0:37]
    df_rh = df_rh.rename(columns={'value': 'RH'}).drop('paramId', 1)

    # U component of wind
    df_uw = df.loc[df['paramId'] == 131][0:37]
    df_uw = df_uw.rename(columns={'value': 'W_U'}).drop('paramId', 1)

    # V component of wind
    df_vw = df.loc[df['paramId'] == 132][0:37]
    df_vw = df_vw.rename(columns={'value': 'W_V'}).drop('paramId', 1)

    # Ground Temperature
    # df_gtmp = df.loc[df['paramId'] == 167]

    dfs = [df_hgt, df_tmp, df_rh, df_uw, df_vw]

    df_snd = reduce(lambda left, right: pd.merge(left, right, on='level'), dfs)

    # Wind Speed
    df_snd['W_SPD_MS'] = (df_snd.W_U ** 2 + df_snd.W_V ** 2) ** (0.5)
    df_snd['W_SPD_KTS'] = df_snd.W_SPD_MS * 1.94384

    # Wind Direction
    df_snd['W_DIR'] = np.arctan2(df_snd.W_U, df_snd.W_V) * (180. / np.pi)

    # Temperature in Celcius
    df_snd['TMP_C'] = df_snd.TMP_K - 273.15

    # Dewpoint Temperature

    # Get the lift parcel for the terrain altitude
    parcel = get_parcel_at_hgt(terrain, df_snd)
    #df_snd = strip_to_terrain(df_snd, parcel)

    # Retrieve surface temperature
    print parcel
    base_tmp = parcel[1]
    base_hgt = parcel[4]

    thermal['ground_temp_c'] = base_tmp
    thermal['ground_elev'] = base_hgt
    thermal['ground_w_dir'] = parcel[5]
    thermal['ground_w_spd_kts'] = parcel[6]

    # Add the DALR

    df_snd['DALR'] = base_tmp - ((df_snd.HGT - base_hgt) / 1000) * 9.8

    # Virtual Temperature
    df_snd['VIRTT'] = (df_snd.TMP_K) / (
    1 - 0.379 * (6.11 * np.power(((7.5 * df_snd.DEWP_C) / (237.7 + df_snd.DEWP_C)), 10)) / df_snd.level) - 273.15

    # Thermal Index
    df_snd['TI'] = (df_snd.TMP_C - df_snd.DALR)
    df_snd['TI_ROUND'] = df_snd['TI'].round()

    # Top of lift
    lift_top = np.NAN
    df_lift = df_snd.loc[df_snd['TI_ROUND'] <= 0]
    if len(df_lift.index > 0) :
        lift_top = df_lift.iloc[-1]['HGT']
    print df_snd[['level','HGT','TI', 'TI_ROUND']]

    thermal['lift_top'] = lift_top

    hght = df_snd[['HGT']].as_matrix().flatten()
    pres = df_snd[['level']].as_matrix().flatten()
    temp = df_snd[['TMP_C']].as_matrix().flatten()
    dwpt = df_snd[['DEWP_C']].as_matrix().flatten()
    sknt = df_snd[['W_DIR']].as_matrix().flatten()
    drct = df_snd[['W_SPD_KTS']].as_matrix().flatten()

    mydata = dict(zip(('hght', 'pres', 'temp', 'dwpt', 'sknt', 'drct'), (hght, pres, temp, dwpt, sknt, drct)))
    S = SkewT.Sounding(soundingdata=mydata)
    Plcl, Plfc, P_el, CAPE, CIN = S.get_cape(*parcel[0:4])

    Hlcl = calc_hgt(df_snd, Plcl)
    thermal['H_lcl'] = Hlcl

    Hlfc = Plfc
    if not (math.isnan(Plfc)):
        Hlfc = calc_hgt(df_snd, Plfc)
    thermal['H_lfc'] = Hlfc

    H_el = P_el
    if not (math.isnan(P_el)):
        H_el = calc_hgt(df_snd, P_el)
    thermal['H_el'] = H_el

    thermal['CAPE'] = CAPE
    thermal['CIN'] = CIN

    return thermal

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Find all thermals in the thermals directory.
    # Process each one and add the result to the WX folder
    output = "/home/thomasvdv/OLC/CSV/thermals_wx.csv"
    thermal_idx = "/home/thomasvdv/OLC/CSV/thermals.csv"

    df_thermals = pd.read_csv(thermal_idx)
    df_thermals_wx = pd.DataFrame()
    for idx, thermal in df_thermals.iterrows():
        thermal_id = thermal.thermal_id
        if os.path.isfile("/home/thomasvdv/RAP/CSV/{}.csv".format(thermal_id)):
            print 'Start processing thermal {}'.format(thermal_id)
            thermal = process_thermal_wx(thermal)
            print thermal
            df_thermals_wx = df_thermals_wx.append(thermal)
            print 'Skipping thermal {}'.format(thermal_id)

    df_thermals_wx.to_csv(output, index=False)

Start processing thermal 889c0cbe-399c-458b-98a9-bfe86a94c639
Calculating WX for thermal_id    889c0cbe-399c-458b-98a9-bfe86a94c639
flight_id                                 58200200
longitude                                 -119.654
latitude                                   47.4988
heigth                                        2875
vario                                      2.18519
alt_diff                                       589
time                           2012-06-17 23:19:48
Name: 0, dtype: object
Using SRTM/srtm_13_03.tif for 47.49875 -119.65375
Generating parcel at 584
(939.45652173913038, 20.873156521739148, 5.0221035974408679, 'interp', 584.0, 115.12160418040445, 19.130360126305135)
    level         HGT         TI  TI_ROUND
0    1000     52.7664  -1.589246      -2.0
1     975    262.3370  -0.947454      -1.0
2     950    487.7940  -0.165975      -0.0
3     925    717.8750   0.246818       0.0
4     900    952.3980  -0.175856      -0.0
5     875   1191.5000  -0.286657      -0.0
6     850   1435.4100  -0.239339      -0.0
7     825   1684.5500  -0.302767      -0.0
8     800   1939.0400  -0.129765      -0.0
9     775   2199.7000   0.495703       0.0
10    750   2466.9500   1.407753       1.0
11    725   2741.5300   2.338637       2.0
12    700   3023.6600   3.140511       3.0
13    675   3313.8600   4.014471       4.0
14    650   3612.7200   4.835299       5.0
15    625   3920.6400   5.828915       6.0
16    600   4239.1700   6.849509       7.0
17    575   4567.8200   7.926279       8.0
18    550   4908.7600   9.040491       9.0
19    525   5261.8000  10.084283      10.0
20    500   5628.7500  11.271393      11.0
21    475   6011.1500  12.597913      13.0
22    450   6409.9900  14.364545      14.0
23    425   6828.7000  16.500903      17.0
24    400   7269.4900  19.219645      19.0
25    375   7735.4800  22.136347      22.0
26    350   8230.2500  25.045093      25.0
27    325   8757.0200  27.852439      28.0
28    300   9319.8200  30.427879      30.0
29    275   9923.5700  32.893629      33.0
30    250  10574.9000  35.935663      36.0
31    225  11286.1000  40.257423      40.0
32    200  12074.0000  46.408843      46.0
33    175  12961.1000  53.129423      53.0
34    150  13971.7000  59.426303      59.0
35    125  15150.0000  68.734643      69.0
36    100  16575.7000  78.721503      79.0
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/skewt/ MaskedArrayFutureWarning: setting an item on a masked array which has a shared mask will not copy the mask and also change the original mask array in the future.
Check the NumPy 1.11 release notes for more information.
---- Lifted Parcel Quantities ----
Parcel: INTERP
Ps  : 939.5hPa
TCs :  20.9C
TDs :   5.0C
Plcl: 741.8hPa
Tlcl:   1.7C
Plfc:   nanhPa
P_el:   nanhPa
CAPE:   0.0J
CIN:    0.0J
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/skewt/ MaskedArrayFutureWarning: setting an item on a masked array which has a shared mask will not copy the mask and also change the original mask array in the future.
Check the NumPy 1.11 release notes for more information.
---- Lifted Parcel Quantities ----
Parcel: MU
Ps  :1000.0hPa
TCs :  24.5C
TDs :   8.0C
Plcl: 784.3hPa
Tlcl:   4.5C
Plfc: 640.3hPa
P_el: 504.6hPa
CAPE:  10.6J
CIN: -135.4J
thermal_id          889c0cbe-399c-458b-98a9-bfe86a94c639
flight_id                                       58200200
longitude                                       -119.654
latitude                                         47.4988
heigth                                              2875
vario                                            2.18519
alt_diff                                             589
time                                 2012-06-17 23:19:48
ground_temp_c                                    20.8732
ground_elev                                          584
ground_w_dir                                     115.122
ground_w_spd_kts                                 19.1304
lift_top                                          2199.7
H_lcl                                             2565.8
H_lfc                                                NaN
H_el                                                 NaN
CAPE                                                   0
CIN                                                    0
Name: 0, dtype: object

In [ ]: