In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from skewt import SkewT
# Default Parcel
print parcel
print S.get_cape(*parcel)
# Custom Parcel
parcel=(800.0, 18.0, 3, 'ml')
S.make_skewt_axes(); S.add_profile();
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from skewt import SkewT
df_snd = pd.read_csv('RAP_KEPH_130601_21z_F00.csv')
# Retrieve surface temperature
base_tmp = df_snd.loc[0]['TMP']
base_hgt = df_snd.loc[0]['HGT']
# Add the DALR
df_snd['DALR'] = base_tmp - ((df_snd.HGT-base_hgt)/1000)*9.8
# Virtual Temperature
df_snd['VIRTT'] = (df_snd.TMP+273.15)/(1 - 0.379*(6.11*np.power(((7.5*df_snd.DPT)/(237.7+df_snd.DPT)),10))/df_snd.level)-273.15
# Thermal Index
df_snd['TI'] = df_snd.TMP - df_snd.DALR
hght = df_snd[['HGT']].as_matrix().flatten()
pres = df_snd[['level']].as_matrix().flatten()
temp = df_snd[['TMP']].as_matrix().flatten()
dwpt = df_snd[['DPT']].as_matrix().flatten()
sknt = df_snd[['WSPD']].as_matrix().flatten()
drct = df_snd[['WDIR']].as_matrix().flatten()
mydata=dict(zip(('hght','pres','temp','dwpt','sknt', 'drct'),(hght, pres, temp, dwpt, sknt, drct)))
In [ ]:
lvls = range(700,726)
hghts = np.empty(len(lvls))
hghts[:] = np.NAN
hghts[0] = 2827.12
hghts[-1] = 3106.7
df_hght = pd.DataFrame({'level': lvls, 'HGT': hghts}).interpolate()
print df_hght
df_lookup = df_hght.loc[df_hght['level'] == 710]
print df_lookup
hgt, level = df_lookup.iloc[0][['HGT','level']]
print level, hgt
In [ ]:
import os
import sys
import gdal
import math
from gdalconst import GA_ReadOnly
def open_raster():
This functions opens the raster file for processing
raster = gdal.Open('SRTM/srtm_12_03.tif', GA_ReadOnly)
except RuntimeError, exception:
print 'Unable to open '+'srtm_12_03.tif'
print exception
return raster
def retrieve_band(longitude, latitude):
This function will take in the given coordinates and return the
elevation(band) NOTE: this only takes in Mercator value does not
work with WGS84
x - coordinates for the x axis or the longitude that users defined
y - coordinates for the y axis or the latitude that user defined
if -180.0 > longitude > 180.0 or -90 > latitude > 90:
raster = open_raster()
transform = raster.GetGeoTransform()
x_offset = int((longitude - transform[0]) / transform[1])
y_offset = int((latitude - transform[3]) / transform[5])
band = raster.GetRasterBand(1)
data = band.ReadAsArray(x_offset, y_offset, 1, 1)
return data[0]
print retrieve_band(-121.7968, 48.0579)
In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sys
import gdal
import math
from gdalconst import GA_ReadOnly
from skewt import SkewT
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
thermal_file = "/home/thomasvdv/RAP/CSV/{}.csv"
def open_raster(name):
This functions opens the raster file for processing
raster = gdal.Open(name, GA_ReadOnly)
except RuntimeError, exception:
print 'Unable to open ' + name
print exception
return raster
def retrieve_band(lat, lon):
This function will take in the given coordinates and return the
elevation(band) NOTE: this only takes in Mercator value does not
work with WGS84
x - coordinates for the x axis or the longitude that users defined
y - coordinates for the y axis or the latitude that user defined
if -125.0 < lon < -115.0 and 50.0 > lat > 45.0:
name = 'SRTM/srtm_13_03.tif'
if -125 < lon < -120:
name = 'SRTM/srtm_12_03.tif'
print 'Using {} for {} {}'.format(name, lat, lon)
raster = open_raster(name)
transform = raster.GetGeoTransform()
x_offset = int((lon - transform[0]) / transform[1])
y_offset = int((lat - transform[3]) / transform[5])
band = raster.GetRasterBand(1)
data = band.ReadAsArray(x_offset, y_offset, 1, 1)
return data[0][0]
print "Thermal out of bound: {} {}".format(lat, lon)
return -1
# Dewpoint calculation adapted from ...
def dew_point(df_snd):
df_snd['DPT_B'] = df_snd.TMP_C.apply(lambda x: 17.368 if x > 0 else 17.966)
df_snd['DPT_C'] = df_snd.TMP_C.apply(lambda x: 238.88 if x > 0 else 247.15)
pa = df_snd.RH / 100. * np.exp(df_snd.DPT_B * df_snd.TMP_C / (df_snd.DPT_C + df_snd.TMP_C))
df_snd['DEWP_C'] = df_snd.DPT_C * np.log(pa) / (df_snd.DPT_B - np.log(pa))
def calc_hgt(df_snd, p):
upper_hgt, upper_level = df_snd.loc[df_snd['level'] <= p].iloc[0][['HGT', 'level']]
lower_hgt, lower_level = df_snd.loc[df_snd['level'] >= p].iloc[-1][['HGT', 'level']]
lvls = range(int(upper_level), int(lower_level) + 1)
hghts = np.empty(len(lvls))
hghts[:] = np.NAN
hghts[0] = upper_hgt
hghts[-1] = lower_hgt
df_hght = pd.DataFrame({'level': lvls, 'HGT': hghts}).interpolate()
hgt, level = df_hght.loc[df_hght['level'] == int(p)].iloc[0][['HGT', 'level']]
return hgt
def get_parcel_at_hgt(terrain, df_snd):
print 'Generating parcel at {}'.format(terrain)
upper_hgt, upper_level, upper_tmp_c, upper_dewp_c, upper_w_dir, upper_w_spd_kts = df_snd.loc[df_snd['HGT'] >= terrain].iloc[0][
['HGT', 'level', 'TMP_C', 'DEWP_C','W_DIR','W_SPD_KTS']]
df_lwr = df_snd.loc[df_snd['HGT'] <= terrain]
if len(df_lwr.index > 0):
lower_hgt, lower_level, lower_tmp_c, lower_dewp_c, lower_w_dir, lower_w_spd_kts = df_lwr.iloc[-1][
['HGT', 'level', 'TMP_C', 'DEWP_C','W_DIR','W_SPD_KTS']]
hgts = range(int(lower_hgt), int(upper_hgt) + 1)
interp = np.empty(len(hgts))
interp[:] = np.NAN
levels = list(interp)
levels[0] = lower_level
levels[-1] = upper_level
temps = list(interp)
temps[0] = lower_tmp_c
temps[-1] = upper_tmp_c
dewpts = list(interp)
dewpts[0] = lower_dewp_c
dewpts[-1] = upper_dewp_c
wdirs = list(interp)
wdirs[0] = lower_w_dir
wdirs[-1] = upper_w_dir
wkts = list(interp)
wkts[0] = lower_w_spd_kts
wkts[-1] = upper_w_spd_kts
df_interp = pd.DataFrame({'HGT': hgts, 'level': levels, 'TMP_C': temps, 'DEWP_C': dewpts, 'W_DIR': wdirs, 'W_SPD_KTS': wkts}).interpolate()
hgt, level, tmp_c, dewp_c, w_dir, w_spd_kts = df_interp.loc[df_interp['HGT'] == int(terrain)].iloc[0][
['HGT', 'level', 'TMP_C', 'DEWP_C','W_DIR','W_SPD_KTS']]
return (level, tmp_c, dewp_c, 'interp', hgt, w_dir, w_spd_kts)
return (upper_level, upper_tmp_c, upper_dewp_c, 'lowest', upper_hgt, upper_w_dir, upper_w_spd_kts)
def strip_to_terrain(df_snd, parcel):
level = parcel[0]
# Reduce the sounding to terrain height.
return df_snd.loc[df_snd['level'] <= level].reset_index(drop=True)
def process_thermal_wx(thermal):
print 'Calculating WX for {}'.format(thermal)
lon = thermal.longitude
lat = thermal.latitude
terrain = retrieve_band(lat, lon)
if terrain == -1:
df = pd.read_csv(thermal_file.format(thermal.thermal_id))
if len(df.index) < 185:
df['paramId'] = pd.to_numeric(df.paramId, errors='coerce')
df['value'] = pd.to_numeric(df.value, errors='coerce')
df['level'] = pd.to_numeric(df.level, errors='coerce')
# Geopotential Height
df_hgt = df.loc[df['paramId'] == 156][0:37]
df_hgt = df_hgt.rename(columns={'value': 'HGT'}).drop('paramId', 1)
# Temperature
df_tmp = df.loc[df['paramId'] == 130][0:37]
df_tmp = df_tmp.rename(columns={'value': 'TMP_K'}).drop('paramId', 1)
# Relative Humidity
df_rh = df.loc[df['paramId'] == 157][0:37]
df_rh = df_rh.rename(columns={'value': 'RH'}).drop('paramId', 1)
# U component of wind
df_uw = df.loc[df['paramId'] == 131][0:37]
df_uw = df_uw.rename(columns={'value': 'W_U'}).drop('paramId', 1)
# V component of wind
df_vw = df.loc[df['paramId'] == 132][0:37]
df_vw = df_vw.rename(columns={'value': 'W_V'}).drop('paramId', 1)
# Ground Temperature
# df_gtmp = df.loc[df['paramId'] == 167]
dfs = [df_hgt, df_tmp, df_rh, df_uw, df_vw]
df_snd = reduce(lambda left, right: pd.merge(left, right, on='level'), dfs)
# Wind Speed
df_snd['W_SPD_MS'] = (df_snd.W_U ** 2 + df_snd.W_V ** 2) ** (0.5)
df_snd['W_SPD_KTS'] = df_snd.W_SPD_MS * 1.94384
# Wind Direction
df_snd['W_DIR'] = np.arctan2(df_snd.W_U, df_snd.W_V) * (180. / np.pi)
# Temperature in Celcius
df_snd['TMP_C'] = df_snd.TMP_K - 273.15
# Dewpoint Temperature
# Get the lift parcel for the terrain altitude
parcel = get_parcel_at_hgt(terrain, df_snd)
#df_snd = strip_to_terrain(df_snd, parcel)
# Retrieve surface temperature
print parcel
base_tmp = parcel[1]
base_hgt = parcel[4]
thermal['ground_temp_c'] = base_tmp
thermal['ground_elev'] = base_hgt
thermal['ground_w_dir'] = parcel[5]
thermal['ground_w_spd_kts'] = parcel[6]
# Add the DALR
df_snd['DALR'] = base_tmp - ((df_snd.HGT - base_hgt) / 1000) * 9.8
# Virtual Temperature
df_snd['VIRTT'] = (df_snd.TMP_K) / (
1 - 0.379 * (6.11 * np.power(((7.5 * df_snd.DEWP_C) / (237.7 + df_snd.DEWP_C)), 10)) / df_snd.level) - 273.15
# Thermal Index
df_snd['TI'] = (df_snd.TMP_C - df_snd.DALR)
df_snd['TI_ROUND'] = df_snd['TI'].round()
# Top of lift
lift_top = np.NAN
df_lift = df_snd.loc[df_snd['TI_ROUND'] <= 0]
if len(df_lift.index > 0) :
lift_top = df_lift.iloc[-1]['HGT']
print df_snd[['level','HGT','TI', 'TI_ROUND']]
thermal['lift_top'] = lift_top
hght = df_snd[['HGT']].as_matrix().flatten()
pres = df_snd[['level']].as_matrix().flatten()
temp = df_snd[['TMP_C']].as_matrix().flatten()
dwpt = df_snd[['DEWP_C']].as_matrix().flatten()
sknt = df_snd[['W_DIR']].as_matrix().flatten()
drct = df_snd[['W_SPD_KTS']].as_matrix().flatten()
mydata = dict(zip(('hght', 'pres', 'temp', 'dwpt', 'sknt', 'drct'), (hght, pres, temp, dwpt, sknt, drct)))
S = SkewT.Sounding(soundingdata=mydata)
Plcl, Plfc, P_el, CAPE, CIN = S.get_cape(*parcel[0:4])
Hlcl = calc_hgt(df_snd, Plcl)
thermal['H_lcl'] = Hlcl
Hlfc = Plfc
if not (math.isnan(Plfc)):
Hlfc = calc_hgt(df_snd, Plfc)
thermal['H_lfc'] = Hlfc
H_el = P_el
if not (math.isnan(P_el)):
H_el = calc_hgt(df_snd, P_el)
thermal['H_el'] = H_el
thermal['CAPE'] = CAPE
thermal['CIN'] = CIN
return thermal
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Find all thermals in the thermals directory.
# Process each one and add the result to the WX folder
output = "/home/thomasvdv/OLC/CSV/thermals_wx.csv"
thermal_idx = "/home/thomasvdv/OLC/CSV/thermals.csv"
df_thermals = pd.read_csv(thermal_idx)
df_thermals_wx = pd.DataFrame()
for idx, thermal in df_thermals.iterrows():
thermal_id = thermal.thermal_id
if os.path.isfile("/home/thomasvdv/RAP/CSV/{}.csv".format(thermal_id)):
print 'Start processing thermal {}'.format(thermal_id)
thermal = process_thermal_wx(thermal)
print thermal
df_thermals_wx = df_thermals_wx.append(thermal)
print 'Skipping thermal {}'.format(thermal_id)
df_thermals_wx.to_csv(output, index=False)
In [ ]: